Posted at November 24, 2022 Posted In Real Estate Investing

Ambition and Thankfulness

These are words that might not have a direct correlation to most people, but they’re two words that quickly come to mind for me when I think about my journey to becoming financially free!

As I sat down to write for my November newsletter, I debated on speaking on the newest economic data, the recent drop in the CPI growth rate, potential Fed pivots, or midterm election results.

I could have written about the amazing FIRE Summit event I just went to, led by Mark and Tamiel Kenney, co-founders of Think Multifamily. I learned so much, and I highly recommend attending the next one!

While those would have been great topics, I decided to take a moment and share WHY I am so thankful for the decisions I made a few short years ago… decisions that led me to become the CEO & Founder of my own investment company.

First, let’s take a little walk down memory lane to how Ambition Capital Group came to be …

I started investing in real estate in 2014. I bought one single family townhome with less than $5,000. My first tenants were a nightmare, and I had to evict them within a few months, BUT I learned the process of screening tenants.

I bought my second rental property in 2017. Things went much smoother, and I had the same tenant from the day I bought this property until the day I sold it.

I decided to flip my first house in 2018. This was my second nightmare in real estate, BUT I learned how to manage rehabs and identify a truly good deal.

I have since flipped 5 other properties and have made back what I lost several times over.

I started really scaling my rental portfolio in late 2018 and shortly thereafter, my rental income from investment properties started to provide all the income I needed to pay my bills each month.

I became FINANCIALLY FREE by 2020 at 30 years old— right around the same time many people lost jobs and were wondering where their next dollar would come from.

In 6 short years of investing, through bumps, bruises, and lessons learned, I was FREE.

I kept at it for the rest of 2020 and through 2022. Today, I have reached a point where I have to give thanks.

My AMBITION to be FREE has paid off.

This year alone has been transformational and given me so many reasons to be thankful …

  • I quit my job as the Chief Financial Officer of a great company in Nashville. Although I loved the company and my coworkers, I am no longer dependent on a paycheck from somebody else to provide for me. I control my time and my checkbook now.
  • I was able to take a week-long hunting trip to Kansas with some great friends. Hunting in Kansas is a dream many aspire to take, and I can attest to why now. This trip is now something I hope becomes an annual tradition.
  • To return a favor done for me, I took my girlfriend and her parents to an NFL game. Her mom is a lifelong, die hard Green Bay Packers fan. Real estate allowed me to buy us all tickets in the end zone on the second row in Lambeau Field. (If you ever get the chance to go, load up on the cheese curds).
  • I have booked a fishing trip with my dad, uncle and brother to upper Michigan next summer. Again, something I hope becomes an annual tradition.
  • Not to mention, this year I have made the most money that I have made in my entire life and am on track to pay $0 in taxes.
(Sorry for any offense. I couldn’t resist.)

So when I think of what I am thankful for, it’s that I now have the freedom and financial means to spend time with the people that mean the most to me in my life.

This year, I have made memories that I will never forget, with people I could never forget.

As you sit around the table with family this week … as you embrace family and friends over the next month … as you think back on your 2022 … or as you look forward to 2023, what do you want to be thankful for?

Do you want to spend more time with those friends and family members?

Do you want to create special memories with them?

Do you want to provide for them for years to come?

Heck, do you simply want to pay less taxes?

All of these are goals that I would like to help you achieve!

If you have any interest in investing, or would like to talk about how you can take steps towards the freedom I have attained,please schedule a call.

Ambition Capital Group would love to hear goals and what you want to be thankful for.

Until next time, go out there and make it happen!

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